Thursday, May 25, 2017

Will is tough this month

 When your incisors started erupting properly we could see that there was going to be a spacing issue.  We booked a appointment with Uncle Luc and he recommended extracting your one remaining upper lateral and all four canines to make some space.  You were at his office at 11am and having the extractions done in our office by 5.  Normally I would refer an eight year old for this but not you.  You were extremely confident that you could do this and Dad was too.  I stayed home with Charlie although I had a hard time not being there for moral support.  In the end it was decided that I should stay back for everyone's sake.  I don't know why that would be.
Anyways, you were a total trouper and we were so proud of you.  Look at those roots!
The tooth fairy brought $25 that night, you killed it!  A little something for our little Alex P Keaton.

 The following week I had just arrived at the school to pick you up and you fell and scraped your knee quite badly.  It happened literally right in front of me as the teacher was asking you all to come in and collect your bags.  We went down to the office to get a bandage when I realized that as we tried to clean it out the scrape had formed a sort of pocket and little rocks were coming out of the gash.  It looked awful.  I drove you straight to the Brickyard Clinic where Dr Olivier saw you right away and gave you four stitches.  Not a peep out of you while Charlie hid his face in my leg whining "I can't look."
Honestly, I don't know how I can have a tough guy like Will who doesn't flinch at anything when we spend a half hour trying to peel a tiny bandaid off of Charlie while he screams so loudly I still think my eardrums have sustained permanent damage.  Dad and I are secretly calling you "Petal" Char, you better grow out of this!  This sensitivity is not merely physical either but extends to your hurt feelings from somewhat trivial things.  "Such and such said they didn't want to play with me at school" or "Such and such said they won't invite me to their Birthday Party!"  All no doubt false.  If you so much as get the thought that we are laughing at you or at your expense you will scream at us and hide under the table pouting for some time until we coax you out.  We really have to work on your ability to laugh at yourself...
So Will, it was a rough week for you but you handled it.  We talked about how every day in Cooperville is not perfect but we rally and get through it always.  Hoping resilience will be a strong attribute for you both.

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