Thursday, May 25, 2017

Tigerlily Farm for Easter

I really love this farm a lot.  When I saw they were doing something for Easter I put it right in the calendar.  They had a treasure hunt, games, goat feeding and lots of animals to meet.  We spent the afternoon here!

 There were some hidden eggs around the farm and if you find one you can return it to the desk for a treat!
Good eye Charlie!

 Found one!

 This game was called "Candy in the Hay" and it literally is.  The host sprinkles chocolate eggs into the straw and the kids have to rummage through it to find them before they're all gone...

 Amazingly, neither of you got lice from these helmets...

 Charlie, you loved your pony ride!  I love this shot!

 Is this lamb smiling or is it just me?

 My big boy.

 Even Mom got out there and had some fun!  Although I definitely did not like discovering that I weigh more than you both combined....

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