Thursday, May 25, 2017


 Charlie, I came with you are your class to Huddlestone Park to find Easter eggs on the last day before the Easter break.  We had a blast!  You were so excited to go and to have me there with your friends (that won't last forever and I'm trying to savour it).  Whenever I come to the school you say "My mom is here!" and to your friends "This is my mom!"  SO proud.  
You are Shavi seem to be good friends these days.  And also Ali who is in the background here.

 It was a little bit rainy ad cool but we were dressed for it.  I managed to get these awesome shots of you and your friends on the tire.

 You are Will are cut from the same cloth in terms of your competitive spirits.  You ran like a bat out of hell to collect the most eggs in the least time.  You had triple the amount of anyone else.  Reminds me so much of your brother!

 The Easter Bunny definitely made it to our house again this year.  Of course, you were both up super early in anticipation of this and we commenced the search at some ungodly hour.

 Perfect!  Ten pounds of chocolate to start the day!!

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