Thursday, May 25, 2017

Art projects, friends over and Taekwondo

 I had to include this awesome self-portrait of Will not just because of how amazing it obviously is but also because of your open disdain for it.  We try to approach all of you boys' artwork with interest and praise, but this masterpiece was a toughy.  When asked about it you stated "I know it's horrible" and refused to discuss more on the matter.  I would never admit it but it is quite hilarious to look at!  The other children's portraits at least vaguely resembled themselves.  Perhaps art is not your strong suit babe.

This was a very interesting project for you.  This arrived home as a white sphere and we were required to cut it open with a sharp knife.  Inside the layers represented the layers of the earth as you had learned in class: crust, mantle, outer core, inner core if I'm not mistaken.  Way to go Will!

 Jackson and Ryder are somewhat of a fixture at our kitchen counter as late.  They are nice boys but things do occasionally get rough upstairs. It seems that wrestling is ubiquitous in boy world.

 Charlie, you wanted to try out Taekwondo this spring.  I signed you up for an introductory lesson and you really liked it.  You are still young for it and you spent most of your time goofing around with Shavi.  Afterwards you never brought it up again and it is super hard to fit in with our schedule so I left it alone.  We are not signing you boys up for anything throughout the summer lest it interfere with cottage time but perhaps we will look at it again in the fall if you are still interested.  We have a strict two activity rule!

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