Thursday, May 25, 2017

Magnificent Mount Washington

 This year was our best season at the mountain so far!  We loved every minute of it and mostly because we had rented rooms at the Deer Lodge for six or seven weekends are very local making everything sooo much easier for us.  We were right there and skiing out in the morning and able to enjoy night skiing and apres at night.  It was a blast!
Will, you were enrolled in the Nancy Greene skis school for the first time this year and Charlie did Ski Tots again but I think we'll sign you both up for the club next season.

 Of course, Dad and I loved our time up there with you boys so much we started discussing buying a place but decided to do a seasonal rental for next season so we could really figure out exactly where we want to be before committing.  So we did it and we'll be at the Creekside building for three months next year!  Yay!!

 Char's sleep mask was NOT working:

 Will, we got you this "desk" to do your Kumon on and it has been key on the way up and down from the mountain.

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