Thursday, May 25, 2017

Will is Eight!!

 Grandma stayed for your big day and brought these lovely cupcakes to your school for your whole class to enjoy and to mark the occasion.  What a nice treat!
On the morning of we let you open one gift which was this RC monster truck which was an arm and a leg and is apparently the entry level RC vehicle to the professional level... I don't know.

 From the Coopers:

 You with your Grade 2 class on your birthday:

 You wanted Tye to come for your birthday dinner.  You chose the Keg because it was the fanciest place we could fathom taking you boys too and you requested fancy.  You wanted us all to get very dressed up and even chose my dress.  You wanted to wear a button down shirt and fancy shoes.  You like dressing up.  You would have preferred your suit...

 So cute!

 Other things you got: A week at Camp Qwanoes (scary!) with Tye as your bunkmate, some clothes, running shoes, gift certificates for the Breakout Room and the movies.
Happy Birthday Will!  We can't believe you're EIGHT already!
We love you to the moon and back!!

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