Thursday, May 25, 2017

Choir, a sleepover and puzzles

 Lately I've been making changes with my work-life balance.  When you boys have things at the school that parents can be a part of I go, even it means cancelling a patient and losing the income I'm making a real effort to do those things.  Ten years ago I wouldn't have dreamed of it.  I don't know if it's part of turning 40 or a mid-life disenchantment with my work life but I'm prioritizing those little things and I haven't looked back.  I figure it won't be long until you don't want me there anyways so might as well be there now that it is so important to you.
Last week Will sang at the Nanaimo Senior's Village and it was very special to watch.  About a dozen seniors showed up and we parents outnumbered them but no matter.  You all sang your hearts out and I loved it.  I will always remember watching you sing and going to the piano afterward to impress your friends with your latest number but I will never remember what filling or exam I was meant to be doing.  It's funny how priorities change.

Your friendship with Tye is still strong!  We had a sleepover this spring.

Latley, we've been doing puzzles.  We are working our way up the chain to larger puzzle piece numbers but 300 seems good right now.  So proud!

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