Thursday, May 25, 2017

More skiing

 I finally wore you out Char!

Oh, yea, and then THIS happened:

 So, Dad was out for drinks with some buds and you decided to goof off and put your bare butt onto the gas fire place glass prior to bath time.  It looked like the above at first...
Of course, I freaked out and put you into the bath and ran tepid water over it to get the heat out while you screamed "Am I going to die???!!!"
I did end up calling the mountain medics who came to the door and transported us to their clinic down the road for treatment.  They bandaged you up and gave us some ointment which we would change daily.
You were brave for this.

 The next day it looked like this:
Scarier I think.  How absurd that your one ski injury this year involved a second degree burn in our rental suite.

 You and Natasha were in the same group in Nancy Greene this year.

 Watching the end of the season ski competition:

 Oh dear...

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