Thursday, May 25, 2017

Snow day

 This winter was the worst your dad and I can remember since moving out West.  We had three snow days (usually we have one at most) and the school got lots of grief for making those calls.  But the buses were not running and they couldn't run them safely we got those text messages around 7am to let us know.  Since one of us is hoe three days out of five it was usually not a big deal but on one of the days we definitely packed you both up and had you sit in our staff room for the day.  No other choice!
On of the snow days you met Jackson and Ryder from the down the street who attend the Christian School in town and had been told to stay home as well.  Both of you boys instantly gelled with them and began tobogganing down the catwalk together for almost the entire day.  They have become something of a fixture in our house ever since.

Look at that snow!

 I was finally able to drag you both in for a snack.  Look at those rosy cheeks!

 Even once the snow melted this year (at long last) it was the rainiest, greyest spring we had seen.  It was confirmed on the news as the wettest in a long while so it wasn't just in our heads.  So sad to not be able to enjoy the outdoors with you boys but we did have an amazing ski season so we have that to be thankful for.  More on that soon!

When I was looking through our photos recently to update the blog Will watched and reminisced with me.  He remarked that this snow day was his best memory of the season.  A reminder that some of our best moments happen under no special circumstances and close to home :)

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