Thursday, May 25, 2017

Our odyssey with the downstairs floor

 When we moved into the Beast we knew we planned on having some built-in storage put into the downstairs hallway.  It made sense to have it there as a place where we primarily enter the house and leave our shoes, coats, hats etc.  We hired one of our patients and it quickly became clear that he was out of his depth so we had a huge fiasco over finishing it.  We were able to hire a competent carpenter who came highly recommended and he finished the job very nicely.  Unfortunately, a large paint spot was left on the floor from the previous worker's sloppy job and one day Lia took to it with some paint remover and removed the entire finish from a square foot of the floor so that the bare concrete was exposed through it.  Of course, having covered it up and not mentioned it we discovered it later much to our surprise.  
I had a number of contractors out to look at the dilemma and they all said the same thing, that it would be very difficult to find the exact stain and to recreate the swirling effect on the remainder of the floor.  In short, it would look like crap.
It was then that I got the idea to tile the area.  When we began considering it it was almost as though the previous owners has intended to tile and then reconsidered.  The door jambs were raised and there was more than enough room and the concrete treatment was not exactly my style anyways.  We chose a tile, decided to heat the floor and away we went!

Although it dragged for OVER A YEAR (?!) I love the look of it now.  In retrospect it was a happy accident!

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