Thursday, May 25, 2017

Spring Baseball

 We signed you boys up for spring baseball this year since skiing was over and cottage time was not yet upon us.  It runs from April to June so it's perfect.  This is your first year Charlie and you are doing Tee ball, Will you're in the Tadpole league with eight and nine year olds and some of those boys are BIG.  We haven't really focused on baseball at all so you both have some catching up to do.  You and Dad went out to the backyard many nights after dinner to practice.

Charlie, you love your play time at Sherry Fields.
 Will, your coach is WAY intense and we were not prepared for that.  You are expected to be at practice/games a half hour early Tuesdays and Thursdays or you are put at the bottom of the batting list (?!), and of course Tuesdays and Thursdays are the only days that both Dad and I work so it's a struggle getting you there, fed and dressed for it.  On top of that your coach has started practices at 12:30 both Saturdays and Sundays.  When I tell the other moms with kids from other teams this they balk at me.  Seriously?!  We spend the entire car ride to games telling you guys we are trying out for the Olympics here and we're here to have fun and then the coach spends the entire game screaming at you all.  We'll have to give this second thoughts for next year I am thinking.  Four days a week for anything is just a bit much at this age!

 We were in the States recently and went to Dick's Sporting Goods and suited you both up with your team colours.  Perfect!  Looking good Coopers!

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