Thursday, May 25, 2017

Will and I Break Out

Will, we finally got to use our Breakout Room gift certificates from your Birthday.  I booked in on a Sunday when Charlie and Dad were at a Birthday party at JJs and you and I were free.  We did the entry level room which is a locked in jail scenario where we have to break out.  We rocked it!  We made it out with minutes to spare and not too many hints.  Even the man working there said we killed it!  He was super surprised at how well we did with just two people and said we had an awesome pace and we were definitely ready for the next room up.  I seriously couldn't have done it without you!  There were things that I was totally stumped on and you figured out!  Amazing!

Mother's Day 2017

Yup.  Raddest art ever.

On Mother's Day I got to sleep in till 8am or so and leisurely come downstairs to a wondrous sight!  My little guys had squeezed fresh orange juice for me with their own little hands which I poured into champagne flutes with Prosecco first thing, perfect!  Dad made a delightful breakfast and had already been to Cobs for pastries.  Double perfect!  I also got a sweet new helmet "to protect my brains" and a pair of biking gloves to match.  Triple perfect!
Thanks so much to all three of my boys.  Love you sooooo much!

Will is tough this month

 When your incisors started erupting properly we could see that there was going to be a spacing issue.  We booked a appointment with Uncle Luc and he recommended extracting your one remaining upper lateral and all four canines to make some space.  You were at his office at 11am and having the extractions done in our office by 5.  Normally I would refer an eight year old for this but not you.  You were extremely confident that you could do this and Dad was too.  I stayed home with Charlie although I had a hard time not being there for moral support.  In the end it was decided that I should stay back for everyone's sake.  I don't know why that would be.
Anyways, you were a total trouper and we were so proud of you.  Look at those roots!
The tooth fairy brought $25 that night, you killed it!  A little something for our little Alex P Keaton.

 The following week I had just arrived at the school to pick you up and you fell and scraped your knee quite badly.  It happened literally right in front of me as the teacher was asking you all to come in and collect your bags.  We went down to the office to get a bandage when I realized that as we tried to clean it out the scrape had formed a sort of pocket and little rocks were coming out of the gash.  It looked awful.  I drove you straight to the Brickyard Clinic where Dr Olivier saw you right away and gave you four stitches.  Not a peep out of you while Charlie hid his face in my leg whining "I can't look."
Honestly, I don't know how I can have a tough guy like Will who doesn't flinch at anything when we spend a half hour trying to peel a tiny bandaid off of Charlie while he screams so loudly I still think my eardrums have sustained permanent damage.  Dad and I are secretly calling you "Petal" Char, you better grow out of this!  This sensitivity is not merely physical either but extends to your hurt feelings from somewhat trivial things.  "Such and such said they didn't want to play with me at school" or "Such and such said they won't invite me to their Birthday Party!"  All no doubt false.  If you so much as get the thought that we are laughing at you or at your expense you will scream at us and hide under the table pouting for some time until we coax you out.  We really have to work on your ability to laugh at yourself...
So Will, it was a rough week for you but you handled it.  We talked about how every day in Cooperville is not perfect but we rally and get through it always.  Hoping resilience will be a strong attribute for you both.

Tigerlily Farm for Easter

I really love this farm a lot.  When I saw they were doing something for Easter I put it right in the calendar.  They had a treasure hunt, games, goat feeding and lots of animals to meet.  We spent the afternoon here!

 There were some hidden eggs around the farm and if you find one you can return it to the desk for a treat!
Good eye Charlie!

 Found one!

 This game was called "Candy in the Hay" and it literally is.  The host sprinkles chocolate eggs into the straw and the kids have to rummage through it to find them before they're all gone...

 Amazingly, neither of you got lice from these helmets...

 Charlie, you loved your pony ride!  I love this shot!

 Is this lamb smiling or is it just me?

 My big boy.

 Even Mom got out there and had some fun!  Although I definitely did not like discovering that I weigh more than you both combined....

Will's Project

I was so flattered to see this come home in your folder Will.  It is the sweetest thing ever and I loved to read it.  It meant so much to me.  Sigh.


 Charlie, I came with you are your class to Huddlestone Park to find Easter eggs on the last day before the Easter break.  We had a blast!  You were so excited to go and to have me there with your friends (that won't last forever and I'm trying to savour it).  Whenever I come to the school you say "My mom is here!" and to your friends "This is my mom!"  SO proud.  
You are Shavi seem to be good friends these days.  And also Ali who is in the background here.

 It was a little bit rainy ad cool but we were dressed for it.  I managed to get these awesome shots of you and your friends on the tire.

 You are Will are cut from the same cloth in terms of your competitive spirits.  You ran like a bat out of hell to collect the most eggs in the least time.  You had triple the amount of anyone else.  Reminds me so much of your brother!

 The Easter Bunny definitely made it to our house again this year.  Of course, you were both up super early in anticipation of this and we commenced the search at some ungodly hour.

 Perfect!  Ten pounds of chocolate to start the day!!

Spring Baseball

 We signed you boys up for spring baseball this year since skiing was over and cottage time was not yet upon us.  It runs from April to June so it's perfect.  This is your first year Charlie and you are doing Tee ball, Will you're in the Tadpole league with eight and nine year olds and some of those boys are BIG.  We haven't really focused on baseball at all so you both have some catching up to do.  You and Dad went out to the backyard many nights after dinner to practice.

Charlie, you love your play time at Sherry Fields.
 Will, your coach is WAY intense and we were not prepared for that.  You are expected to be at practice/games a half hour early Tuesdays and Thursdays or you are put at the bottom of the batting list (?!), and of course Tuesdays and Thursdays are the only days that both Dad and I work so it's a struggle getting you there, fed and dressed for it.  On top of that your coach has started practices at 12:30 both Saturdays and Sundays.  When I tell the other moms with kids from other teams this they balk at me.  Seriously?!  We spend the entire car ride to games telling you guys we are trying out for the Olympics here and we're here to have fun and then the coach spends the entire game screaming at you all.  We'll have to give this second thoughts for next year I am thinking.  Four days a week for anything is just a bit much at this age!

 We were in the States recently and went to Dick's Sporting Goods and suited you both up with your team colours.  Perfect!  Looking good Coopers!

Things this spring

 Also this spring Mom got another cortisone shot for her shoulder.  It bought me some good days at work but it has not completely cured my shoulder.  I believe the next stop is surgery :(
One PD day this year we went to see the new Beauty and the Beast in the theatre.  We took Mikayla from next door with us since you both spend sooo much time with her.  The movie was fantastic!

 Olivia scored the role of Gretl in the Sound of Music this year.  We went to support her and you brought these roses that you specifically chose.  You were awesome Liv!  Suessical next year Will!

 A Sunday bike ride up to the skate park off Dickinson:

Will is Eight!!

 Grandma stayed for your big day and brought these lovely cupcakes to your school for your whole class to enjoy and to mark the occasion.  What a nice treat!
On the morning of we let you open one gift which was this RC monster truck which was an arm and a leg and is apparently the entry level RC vehicle to the professional level... I don't know.

 From the Coopers:

 You with your Grade 2 class on your birthday:

 You wanted Tye to come for your birthday dinner.  You chose the Keg because it was the fanciest place we could fathom taking you boys too and you requested fancy.  You wanted us all to get very dressed up and even chose my dress.  You wanted to wear a button down shirt and fancy shoes.  You like dressing up.  You would have preferred your suit...

 So cute!

 Other things you got: A week at Camp Qwanoes (scary!) with Tye as your bunkmate, some clothes, running shoes, gift certificates for the Breakout Room and the movies.
Happy Birthday Will!  We can't believe you're EIGHT already!
We love you to the moon and back!!