Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Guinea Pigs

 I woke up one morning and decided to give in to you boys on the pet situation.  Since we have cat and dog allergies in the house those pets are out.  But I thought Guinea Pigs would be a great pet for you both and are relatively low maintenance.
We went to the pet store and Will, you immediately fell in love with this one, and I think he fell in love with you too!
He didn't want you to put him down and when you did he jumped up on the side of the glass looking at you.  It was a bonding moment for sure.
Charlie, this was the other litter mate and you really liked him too.
We didn't make any purchases on this day but decided to go home and think about it. 
Will you sweated it all night, worried that someone else was going to buy your little friend.  In the end we did go back and they were both still there, phew.

 When we got them into the car and they were officially yours you were both so happy and overwhelmed it was very sweet :)

 Dad even came around on them a little...

 They are still tiny babies and will double in size.  Still working on names...

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