Friday, January 19, 2018

Some things we did this fall

 This fall we hiked Westwood Lake.  Char and Will both took skating lessons through school and sometimes I could even make it there to help kids lace up.
 I had the opportunity to meet Dave and Devon's little Landon!  He was only two weeks and oh so sweet.  He slept the entire time I was there holding him, what a doll.

 I went on a school trip with Charlie's Kindergarten class to the Morrell Sanctuary.  It was not rainy but wet and we learned a lot about nature!

 Will, one of the recommendations the school has made for you has been to participate in the online Caribou Math Contests that are nationwide.  You placed higher than all of the grade fours that participated, in the top 5%.  Crushed it!  So proud!

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