Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Charlie's First Day of Kindergarten

 About a week before the start of school Mommy went in for an info night to meet Mrs Taylor (who we know well from Will's Kindergarten class) and to learn a little about what to expect from this year.  I made this frame for you, it had all of the family colours in it.

Your first day of school!

 You had been looking forward to going to the "big school" all summer and couldn't wait for this and to wear your new formal uniform.

 When we got inside you got all shy!  I didn't see that coming at all!  You clung to me as we walked down the hall and approached your classroom.  I was surprised by this but I have to say, I kind of liked it!  You usually walk right away from me with not even a wave goodbye...

 Super nervous here, right before walking in:

 You asked me to stay (first time ever) and I lingered for a little while.  Mrs Taylor wanted us to leave quite quickly so I stayed for just a moment.  Of course, you were just fine.
I can't believe you are in Kindergarten Charlie.  You were more than ready and we knew it but it is hard to believe that you are in full time school already.  It is a huge milestone and you are such a big boy now.  Wishing you all the best with a hugely successful year and amazing start to what will likely be a long academic life.
Love you to bits Char. XO

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