Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Out and about

 We did a double play date for you boys to Airhouse and I sure had a full van!  Charlie, you absolutely love Ali in your class and of course you picked Luca, Will.  You were all good, no complaints.  Maybe we can do this more often.
This was the gang at Luca's birthday party at Airhouse:

 One summer night we went to the Lighthouse Bistro to take in the seawall before the cold weather comes.  So glad we did!  The summer is so fleeting.

 Mommy-Char bathtime!

 Adriana and Makayla are your besties on the block and you four spent so much time together this summer.

 Charlie, you brought down all your stuffies one day for a movie and pj day!

 On your last day with Francesca as your nanny this summer.

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