Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Whistler Thanksgiving 2017!

 This year we tried something new for Thanksgiving weekend.  Usually we make a turkey and if we have relatives with us have a family dinner or sometimes we invite friends to be with us on the day and have a big meal together.  This year Kim and Conan suggested that we join them on their tradition of going up to Whistler for the weekend for the renowned Turkey Sale and family fun.
We stayed on the club floor of the Fairmont and they had tons of fun activities planned all day every day, it was a blast!
Not to mention we got nearly new skis and bindings for a fraction of the price of new.
It was a zoo on the Friday night and I can only imagine Saturday and Sunday would be have been worse.  We don't know because we got everything we needed on the Friday night before the masses arrived, ballers!
 Strolling the village.

 When it's bath time but you're just so excited about your new skis:

 We spent a lot of time letting you boys know how special this weekend is and how fortunate we are to be staying in such a nice place with family and friends all together.  We noticed right away how the hotel was so attuned to our every need, it really is a nice spot.
Charlie, you love a bath rather than a shower and as you relaxed into this bath you said "Now this is the life" !!!!

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