Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The pickiest eater

 Charlie, you are the single pickiest eater I can imagine.  We have been struggling with this for a while now and it almost seems to be getting worse.  I saw a video on meal ideas for the pickiest eaters and all I could think was "Ya right!  Charlie wouldn't touch this stuff!"  How bad is that?
I don't even know how you are thriving sometimes although your weight is fine and you always seem to have lots of energy.
On our last day in Vancouver I took these photos of you at each meal time and it is very clear what we are dealing with.  At Starbucks in the morning you hated JUICE!

This is lunch:

 And dinner:

 Literally the only thing you will eat is meatloaf.  You love a meatloaf made by a local meal prep company so I ordered 10 meatloaves and froze them.  Meatloaf may be keeping you alive at this point.

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