Tuesday, October 17, 2017

3812 Hammond Bay Road

 We just decided that we didn't have enough houses this summer (only 3) so we decided to buy another...
No in all seriousness, we are in the process of subdividing Dickinson so we will shortly have Oceanview and the cottage.  But since we knew we were not going to stay in Oceanview forever I had been on the lookout for oceanfront properties to reno or build our forever home.  That's when this beauty showed up on mls.  I told Aaron about it and made an appointment to see in "just in case."  The moment I walked in and looked at the view I knew I was in trouble.  
By the time I got there there was already an offer on it.  The lady who lived there was actually home and came out to meet us and have a chat.  Will, you were with me, and you and Dianne had a lovely conversation about the sports you play.
The realtor encouraged me to put an offer in anyways and lo and behold she accepted ours!  The realtor said that she was very offput by foreign buyers that were just looking to invest and she knew we would live here and love it as she did.  Yay!

 The house itself is tiny but well-built.  We had it inspected and it passed with flying colours.  We know it will take a while to get a plan together so we will rent it out in the short term.  This is going to be fun!

 What a view!

 And then we uncorked the champagne and had a big party to "All we do is win, win, win!  No matter what!"
Love it.

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