Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Soccer Season Starts

 And with the first week back to school we are back in soccer just like that.  Charlie has practice on Tuesday nights and Will on Thursdays and then there is one game each on Saturdays.  You are both amazing players (Charlie you could pay attention to your coach more-it is such a social visit for you!)
Shavaan is on your team and you two spend the entire time wrestling and rough housing together.  Whenever one of you gets a goal you pick eachother up and cheer, it's hilarious!

 Will you surprised me and showed an interest in playing goalie.  You have been really consistent with this during practice and games and your coach has obliged.  I really thought you would prefer to get out there and run around and be a part of the action but this apparently appeals to you.  You make saves and let goals in at times and when the other team is approaching the net I can barely watch!

 A little goofiness on the field on the sunny day while Will practices:

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