Friday, January 20, 2017

Tokyo Disney!

 We were pros at getting to Disney this time (Disney Sea and Tokyo Disney are right next door to eachother).  We bought these towels for ourselves when we first arrived because we had seen so many other people wearing them and they were perfect for the wet rides!  You got Beymax and I got Minnie.
You were tall enough to drive in Autopia but I still had to ride with you, you loved it but it was a very bumpy ride...ha!

 And my favourite photo from the whole trip!  Locals are nuts about Disney and often went in huge groups dressed identically.  It was sooo cute.  We just had to ask for you to get a photo with a group.  These girls were more than happy to oblige and seemed really flattered to be asked!

 We were separated on the log ride but we still had fun!  Your photo had someone's arm right over your face...


 A sea of bicycles at Disney.

 The Fish Market on our last day.

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