Friday, January 20, 2017

Christmas Day!

 You were both so excited about Christmas this year neither of you could sleep well for several nights leading up to the big day.  This year we flew out on Saturday, December 24th so Dad and I didn't work on the Friday and we had Christmas on the 23rd.  You both were none of the wiser.
You both were up at 5:45am and we knew you would never get back to sleep so we just got up at that point.  I have a hilarious video of you both arriving the living room to see the spoils!

Charlie, I love you faces, you make the best photos!

 Of course, the sugar is always the highlight.

 Grandma, Papa and Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa had sent you so many gifts.  You were both totally spoiled.  Char, Grandma gave a you a REAL fitbit??

 A remote controlled Yoshi!

 New kicks, Will's favourite!

 Honestly, Dad and I could have bought you nothing this year Grandma spoiled you so much!

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