Friday, January 20, 2017

Charlie and the diapers...

 Lately you have been VERY obsessed with diapers.  You ask continuously for diapers that you want to wear.  You say you don't want to "go" in the diapers, you have been toilet trained forever now.  You say you just like the "feel" of them and want to wear them at home.  I did some reading on this and it seems that this can be interesting to children but mostly if there is a smaller baby at home that wears diapers.  
You ask daily for diapers, and lately you have been asking everyone that comes to our house if THEY will buy you diapers.
The other day I went to the school to pick you up and Miss G asked if she could talk to me.  Apparently you had been making frequent trips to the bathroom and they couldn't figure out what you were up to.  Finally Miss G looked over the door of the stall and saw you were wearing a diaper under your pants and had been changing them repeatedly thoughout the day.  It seems you found a drawer full of diapers and had been sneaking one at a time out, putting one on and then changing into a new one in private.  When Miss G told me this I couldn't help but laugh and I told her "He must have thought it was Christmas come early!"
I explained your recent obsession and she laughed it off too.  I asked that she relocate the diapers to somewhere high up that you couldn't reach in the future and we had a quick chat about it that night.  You reiterated that you just liked to wear them and didn't go in them and I decided that for whatever reason you wanted to wear diapers from time to time and that I should indulge you this harmless thing before it became even more of an issue.
We made an agreement that you were not to use the diapers and that I would buy on one pack of diapers to do with as you choose and when those diapers were gone that was the end of it. 
On the day that I bought the diapers and picked you up from school with them in your chair, you were elated.  I gave you the whole pack and told you to go nuts.  When we got home you put a pair on, and put pairs on each of your bunnies and I took this most funny picture!

One day you put about 10 pairs on your arms and legs and head and you looked like the Pilsbury Dough Boy!
From time to time after that first day you would put a diaper on but you held up your side of the bargain and never soiled them.  Sometimes when I put you to bed I would feel that you were wearing a pair and you would giggle but we never made a big deal of it again.  Eventually you lost interest and all the diapers were gone and you never mentioned it again.  Mission accomplished!

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