Friday, January 20, 2017

Downtown PV

 We went out to a restaurant in downtown PV called El Arayan that Dad and I had been too on our food tour last year.  Their specialty margarita is made with the tart seeds of the Arayan tree that is native to Mexico and there is one of these trees in the centre of the restaurant and extends through a hole in the roof in the centre of the space.  It is lighted up and beautiful.  The food, it turns out, is top notch.
In addition to the Arayan infused foods they serve cricket tacos, a local specialty and all three of you devoured them.  I passed.
OK, you can actually see the crickets and they are CRUNCHY.  Why am I the only one that thinks this is off?

 Even Charlie, our pickiest eater indulged.  I remember this the next time you shun a pb and j or noodles I cook...

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