Friday, January 20, 2017

More Mexico

 Charlie, your swimming abilities really took off this year.  We couldn't have you in the pool without us but you could definitely make it from one side of the pool to the other on your own!  We devised a system called the "bounce and breathe" where you bounced off of the bottom of the pool and up to get some breath and then swim on, it was funny!  The pool in the area we spent most of our time was just deep enough to cover you head so the bounce and breathe worked for the most part.
You boys just loved to run in and out of the water with the waves and look for shells.

 We signed up to release the sea turtles again this year but once again we couldn't hold them as we used to.  I guess those days are gone!

 You and Dad spent some time playing catch on the beach and you were really working on your running catch.  Dad says you're really good!

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