Friday, January 20, 2017

Our time in PV comes to an end :(

 Always a fan of wildlife Will found a tiny lizard and managed to grab it.  I don't know how you SAW it let alone grab it?!

A night swim:

 Char, we could really compile an album of you sleeping in various locales.  You are our sleeper for sure!

Downtown PV

 We went out to a restaurant in downtown PV called El Arayan that Dad and I had been too on our food tour last year.  Their specialty margarita is made with the tart seeds of the Arayan tree that is native to Mexico and there is one of these trees in the centre of the restaurant and extends through a hole in the roof in the centre of the space.  It is lighted up and beautiful.  The food, it turns out, is top notch.
In addition to the Arayan infused foods they serve cricket tacos, a local specialty and all three of you devoured them.  I passed.
OK, you can actually see the crickets and they are CRUNCHY.  Why am I the only one that thinks this is off?

 Even Charlie, our pickiest eater indulged.  I remember this the next time you shun a pb and j or noodles I cook...

Las Marietas

 We got up VERY early one morning to go with Vallarta Adventures to the Las Marietas Islands.  They are home to the booby birds, the only other place they inhabit outside the Galapagos Islands.
Other than the early morning, it was fun!
Will paddle boarded and snorkeled, we got a show and then we went to Food Truck City after.  We had always wanted to go there.

 The crew put on a very fun show. 

 Look at the size of this marg!

 Soak up those rays and vitamin D Charlie!

 NYE at El Barracuda!

Mexico Week Two

 This photo of you two snuggling is one of my faves from the whole trip.

Dance party!

 We had a little bit of fun with you Char.  We made you think you could make objects move (we were really sneaky).  And you would say "The force is strong with me."  You are a doll, and you were SO proud!

 Red Panda and Darth Maul:


More Mexico

 Charlie, your swimming abilities really took off this year.  We couldn't have you in the pool without us but you could definitely make it from one side of the pool to the other on your own!  We devised a system called the "bounce and breathe" where you bounced off of the bottom of the pool and up to get some breath and then swim on, it was funny!  The pool in the area we spent most of our time was just deep enough to cover you head so the bounce and breathe worked for the most part.
You boys just loved to run in and out of the water with the waves and look for shells.

 We signed up to release the sea turtles again this year but once again we couldn't hold them as we used to.  I guess those days are gone!

 You and Dad spent some time playing catch on the beach and you were really working on your running catch.  Dad says you're really good!

Our first day in Mexico!

 We could not wait to get to Mexico for our 4th annual trek to the Grand Mayan in Puerto Vallarta.  We love this place!
Every Christmas morning we have a tradition of going to the creperie for sweet crepes on Christmas morning and this year was no exception.  Christmas Day happened to be the first morning we were there and we happily made our way along the wooden boardwalks to have our breakfast.
Of course, you boys were overjoyed with having such a sweet treat for brekkie.

Will you have been doing a lot of reading these days and I am overjoyed by that.  It's just like your father and I both when we were young :)

 Char, you had so much fun the wave pool with this tube!

 You liked the kids park too but your favourite thing was about spraying water onto your privates...