Saturday, March 19, 2016

Will and Mom play hooky

 Will, you have loved skiing since day one years ago.  But what you've always asked is that we do a family ski.  Although you love the lessons you really crave going down with us all together.  After your lessons we usually have a half hour or so left on our half day passes so we can usually squeeze in one run and that was always your favourite part.
So I watched the reports on the mountain and one Wednesday (my day off) I took you out of school and we headed to the mountain.  It was such a fun day!  There was so much fresh snow and no one was out!  At times we literally had the mountain to ourselves.  No one as far as the eye could see.  Imagine!
We discovered nachos and chili go really well together.

 One of my favourite days in recent memory :)

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