Thursday, March 17, 2016

Kohl's Halloween Birthday Party

 This year Nikki and Cindy planned a Halloween Party for the kids in Grade 1 at Costin Hall.  A lot of effort went into it and it was a hit!
Will, you wanted to be something gross-out so we settled on a zombie and since zombie's a so hot right now it was easy to find gross makeup for it.  Of course, I knew that whatever Will was Charlie would also want to be so to avoid any tantrums we did the exact same for you.
We took a couple of old not-so-special outfits from your closets and I literally tore them up with knives, and then we sprayed them with yellow and brown tie-dye and let them dry out in the sun.  The big battle was over makeup since Miss K had specifically said no to blood.  You debated that since the party wasn't school you should be able to wear the blood to the party and we agreed on a little around the mouth.  I was quite hesitant about it since your costume at school involved no blood, just ghoulish makeup and the second Lorenzo saw you he cried...
Anyways, you both looked very scary and learned to walk like zombies too.
Somehow, during the egg and spoon relay game, Charlie you still ended up looking adorable:

So focused!

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