Thursday, March 17, 2016

Finally! Will loses his first tooth!

 At long last you lost your first tooth.  You were quite late to have wiggly teeth, one of the last in your class as you'd have me believe.  There were tears about this.  Requests to extract your teeth.  Hours spent trying to loosen your 71 and 81 to no avail.  You were willing to have me freeze you and extract them at the clinic (no lie), just so you could be a member of the toothless club at school.
Finally 71 showed some potential.  You wiggled and wiggled it for weeks and we thought it would never come out.  You could literally pull it down to 45 degrees.  It was gross.  So we had you both scheduled for your regular check up and cleaning and Mom had a go at it.  I put two gloved fingers on it and pulled.  There was an "owww" and then it was out.  
Look how proud!  The tooth fairy brought you $5 that night, sheesh!  Thank god that saga is over.

Charlie is always a VERY willing patient also...

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