Friday, March 18, 2016

What's become of the Treehouse

 We didn't really know what to do about the Treehouse.  Everything just happened so fast with Oceanview we didn't have a chance to thing about what would happen with the Treehouse.  I have to tell the full story about this one.  I said to Dad that maybe we should rent it?  He said "Are you serious?  Who would love here?"
I thought it was worth a shot so I took some photos (same as here) and posted them to see if I could get any bites.  Might as well try our hands as landlords, it's not like we don't have enough on our plates, right?
Anyways, I posted the ad late one Tuesday night and fifteen minutes later my phone started to ring and my email began to fill up.  I was inundated with calls until the Saturday, the day we started booking showings.  I had people trying to make a deal prior to the showings and offering two year leases.  I had to eventually take the ad down because we were full with showings all day.  Of the 6 groups we showed the house to 5 filled out applications and we had a choice of tenants.
In the end we chose a young family, the Belbins, with three kids who offered us a two year lease for $2000/month.  Imagine!
Turns out Lantzville waterfront is pretty special or something?!
Anyways, these are some photos of the house as we loved in it.  We were pretty happy here, more so in the summer than in the winter.  We had some good times here, it was just a little smaller than we're used to.  I'm sure the Belbins will be happy here for the two years (or more) and we will be in a different position then.  But like I said, we're in no rush to build and that is a good feeling :)

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