Thursday, March 17, 2016

A sleepover with Tye!

It was very sad for you when Tye (and Mylah) switched schools this fall.  I wasn't sure what would happen to your friendship but your interest in Tye never faded.  You asked about him regularly and of course we saw him over the summer at BMX.  You two have a very special relationship and we are trying to get you together here and there.  Although weeks had passes your friendship didn't skip a beat!  
Mom got the supplies for these Jack Jars for an activity for you two.  I may have had more fun with it that you both.  I think you were more interested in playing Plants vs Zombies in your room and jumping off the bed...
Charlie was still in Ontario with Grandma at this point (after Great-Grandma's 90th) so it was a good time to have a friend over for sure.

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