Friday, March 18, 2016

Puerto Vallarta for the third year running!

 On Saturday, December 19th we headed to the Comox airport mid-morning to catch our 4.5 hour flight to paradise.
The first day is always a long one but on day two Charlie, you and I had a chance to grab the last rays of the day at the beach and it was so sweet.  You were more than content digging and throwing and I just snapped away.  You are so beautiful and content.  I just had to share these.

 Every time a wave would come you would turn on your heel and run as fast as you could out of reach.  I think Grandma said I used to do the exact the same thing when I was little.

 This year was very special since Grandma and Papa joined us for our Christmas and New Year tradition.  We had a two bedroom apartment as always and we had one side and they the other while you two slept on the trundle beds in the living room and it was perfect.

 We couldn't wait to show Grandma and Papa around the resort and show them our little spots like the Creperie and Pipis of course!

 Will, your reading has really taken off this year.  This was the first trip that I saw you really reading for pleasure as Daddy and I do and did when we were little.  Makes me so proud.

 These guys were everywhere as usual and as usual you were most daring, trying to grab their tails although I don't think you succeeded (thank goodness).  This year they were doing something new, they would run around the pool and when they came to an edge they would actually dive in and swim under water to the other side!!  People were screaming and trying to swim out of the way, crazy!

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