Friday, March 18, 2016

More Mexico fun

 We were much more adventurous this year in Mexico.  I feel like you both travel so much better these days.  We spent a lot of time downtown Puerto Vallarta walking the Malecon and tasting the local food.  We stayed out late and drove two to a seat belt, we really went wild this year!  It was funny to watch your reactions to seeing children on the back of motorbikes and pickup trucks, ha!
We saw this spectacle again on the beach.

 And of course went to Pipis and belted out Sweet Caroline with the band!

 Charlie, we took you to meet a dolphin up close and you got to hold a spider monkey outside.
You're so brave!
I was nervous to hold it myself and you said "It's ok Mommy, he's friendly!"  Doll.

 Pure joy!
 You were really good in the pool this year.  You can definitely stay on the surface and kick to the wall a few feet.  You were very resistant to wearing the wings and we had to insist.  Just like Will we'd try to scare you straight by letting you sink a little, and just like Will it did nothing to freak you out.  So we had to make a hard and fast rule of wings by the pool.  Next year you will be swimming I'm sure.
You're both so FLETIC.

 The Cooper-Towers!

 Love :)

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