Saturday, March 19, 2016


So we've decided that our lives aren't busy enough and we really need to take on another project...
I've always had this feeling that I would like to experience the mother-daughter relationship and just haven't been able to let that go.  It's everywhere around me.  When I see mothers and daughters together at lunch or at the theatre, looking alike and sharing a moment.  It's just something that I think I will regret if I at least don't try.  Dad's on board and couldn't be more supportive.  
Of course, we thought about just chancing it but I just couldn't do it.  So we found a great clinic in Seattle that specializes in "Family Balancing"-don't they make it sound so PC?  We'll see what we get.  Nothing is for certain of course.  But I do like the idea of having the genetic testing done as well so that we're not worried about that also.  At my age, the risks are higher of course and it will be nice to have that peace of mind.
So here goes!

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