Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Guinea Pigs

 I woke up one morning and decided to give in to you boys on the pet situation.  Since we have cat and dog allergies in the house those pets are out.  But I thought Guinea Pigs would be a great pet for you both and are relatively low maintenance.
We went to the pet store and Will, you immediately fell in love with this one, and I think he fell in love with you too!
He didn't want you to put him down and when you did he jumped up on the side of the glass looking at you.  It was a bonding moment for sure.
Charlie, this was the other litter mate and you really liked him too.
We didn't make any purchases on this day but decided to go home and think about it. 
Will you sweated it all night, worried that someone else was going to buy your little friend.  In the end we did go back and they were both still there, phew.

 When we got them into the car and they were officially yours you were both so happy and overwhelmed it was very sweet :)

 Dad even came around on them a little...

 They are still tiny babies and will double in size.  Still working on names...

The Aspengrove hosted cross country run

 This is THE event.  Will literally sweats this race all year long and this year Charlie got to do it too!  It starts in Kindergarten and all of the other private schools attend, even Queen Margaret's from Duncan.  
Charlie I was so nervous watching you go, you still seem so little to me.  But it seems that you have the Cooper grit in you as well.  You pushed on and finished first although you were heaving and sweaty by the end.  Good job Charlie!
You were so stoked to have finished first.  When you reached the finish line you got a participation ribbon (they only five out first to third starting in Grade 3 now) and the first thing you said was "This doesn't say first."  Touche Char.

 My awesome little runner!

 And then the Grade 3s came out.  Apparently there had already been some smack talk prior to this race with the other school's boys showing their fastest runner and our class saying "This is our fastest, Will."

 Look at your face and your lead right out of the gate:

 Once you were off we stood around for a while chatting and waiting and the Grade 3 girls started arriving at the finish line since they raced 10 minutes prior.  About half way through the Grade 3 girls Will showed up still passing some girls in the final stretch.  Like, what???!!!
The funny thing is the other Moms were saying, "The next thing we're going to see is Will."
And they were right!

 Way to go darling.

 That night you told me that the reason you really like to win this race is for bragging rights the whole year through.  Apparently whoever wins this race gets to decide which game to play the whole year long and is given deference to.  Bug!
When I was tucking you in that night you said "Well, I guess I can start sweating next year's race now..."
You were making a joke.  You're hilarious!

Sea to Sky Gondola

 On the way home from Whistler we spotted at the Sea to Sky Gondola and rode it right up to the top.  It has been on my bucket list for a while and we finally did it!

 There were gorgeous views at the top and a very fun family hike that was well set up.

 Loved this weekend.  A new tradition for us for sure.  So much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.

Goodbye Whistler! See you next year!

 Such a fun time had by all!
This will definitely be a new tradition for us!

Pumpkin Carving!

 This was so much fun.  We all met out on the croquet lawn and each of you got a pumpkin to carve.  You still needed a little bit of help but did the bulk of the carving yourselves.
There were these fun characters walking around and even scarecrows on stilts.  Super fun!

Whistler Day 2

 After the scarecrow scramble we chilled out at the pool.

 Then we hit up the petting zoo out on the croquet lawn.

 Sugar abounded, you both were in heaven!

 Oh dear.

 Again with the Canada theme!  Love it!  This could get awkward in other countries...