Thursday, July 19, 2012

We bought a cottage!

In keeping with Mommy and Daddy's tendency to always have a project on the go, two weeks before Mommy was due we bought a cottage on Sproat Lake!  As if we don't have enough on our plates right now!  But this is the way things go for us.  Seemingly we always need our plates full!
We just couldn't pass up this wonderful opportunity since we felt that this cottage was perfect for us.  Also, knowing that our little family was soon to grow to four (with two little BOYS!) we decided that a cottage was in the plan for our soon-to-be active lifestyle :)
It was such a great opportunity for us since this cottage fit all of our needs, had a sloping (double) lot and the interior, although initially ghastly, could be easily renovated to our tastes.  It helped that we got a steal of a deal for lakefront property on Sproat, the most desirable lake on the island. 
When the papers were signed I ran right out and got a bottle of cider (alcohol-free of course) to celebrate our new home away from home! 

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