Thursday, July 19, 2012

Charlie arrives home!

Will was so excited to meet Charlie!  He had been asking for months whenever I went to the doctor if the doctor was going to take Charlie out now?  Finally, the wait was over and you were over the top excited!
When we pulled into the garage and parked, Will stuck his head out the door and asked "Charlie is here?"
It was the sweetest little expression and one that we JUST missed getting on video.  You ran into the backseat and stepped up onto the side of the car and just took him in.  You stared and stared and were so excited I think you didn't know what to do!  When Daddy started to take the car seat out of the car you insisted on helping to carry him into the house and would not leave his side!
Once we got upstairs you wanted to look at his face and hands and feet, examine all of him!  You said things that blew me away like "Awww, he is so cute!" and "What a little sweetie!"  
What three year old says that??
You are adorable!

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