Thursday, July 19, 2012

Daddy turns 35!

 Mommy made Daddy a special cake FOUR days before giving birth, now that's love!  It's ok he really deserves it!  It was tasty too :)
I was feeling badly that Daddy's 35th was quite low-key but given the circumstances it was all we could manage.  We will make up for it next year!
 Grandma was nice enough to put Will to bed so that Mommy and Daddy could go out for a nice dinner at Giovanni's in Qualicum, one of our favourite restaurants.  So yummy!  The only bummer was not being able to have our favourite wine which they stock.

Daddy got some great gifts, gift certificates galore, mostly to the Home Depot, and Mommy gave him a big one for Banana Republic so he can buy some new clothes for his ever-shrinking figure ;)
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!

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