Thursday, July 19, 2012

Meeting Charlie

Mommy and Daddy got up really early on the morning of June 11, 2012 to drive to St Joseph's Hospital in Comox for Mommy's C-section.  We had to be there for 6:30am and the surgery was scheduled for 8am.  We left the house at about 5am and once we were there we were occupied with checking in and other prepping procedures in maternity.  At about 7:30am Daddy walked me down to the entrance of the OR and said a tearful goodbye to me at the doorway.  They would call for him when they were ready to get started.
Mommy went into the OR hallway with a nurse and had a quick visit with the nurse, anesthesiologist, and finally Dr Bagdan, my OBGYN.  Then they walked me to the OR down the hall and sat me up on the table.  The anesthesiologist got an IV going for me and then worked on my spinal which started to work quite quickly.  I was scared but the staff were very nice and helpful.  After the spinal was set they helped me lay down and wedged a large wedge under my right hip to elevate my right side a little.  All this took about a half hour and then Daddy came in to hold my hand.
After they got going it took about 10 minutes to bring little Charlie into the world and our lives forever.  I could feel a little POP and just knew that was his head emerging.  After they suctioned his throat he just screamed and screamed as they carried him over to the waiting cart.  Even the nurse commented, "He's a very vocal one!" 
I lay and watched you over to the left side on the cart, screaming and flailing while they checked you out.  Your APGAR was a 9 as I found out later.  And then they finally brought you to me.  They lay you on my chest and I was able to hold you with just my right arm.  You cried and cried and I watched you for a moment, checking you out.  But almost as soon as I spoke to you and tried to hush you you calmed down and looked at me.  It was such a moment for the two of us.  I believe you recognized my voice.  It was a most wondrous thing :)
Daddy did such a great job of capturing us meeting on video.  It is priceless.  We will have to watch it together one day.  How sweet that will be.

 After just a few minutes they took you to weigh you.  The doctors needed to spend more time working on Mommy and so Daddy took you back upstairs to wait for me to come out of recovery.  I was only away for maybe an hour and you spent the time wrapped up in Daddy's arms in the nursery.  In recovery I was so parched from not having any liquids and they had me drink water and juice which I was so happy to have.  I was a little sleepy from the meds but mostly with it.  The nurses were kind and Dr Bagdan check in on me once too.

The hour that I spent in recovery went quickly (I had been dreading this hour away) and eventually they wheeled me back to the elevator and to our room...

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