Thursday, July 19, 2012

Charlie is 2 weeks old!

 At two weeks old you are very healthy and thriving.  We took you to the doctor this day for your two week check and you weigh 8 pounds, 2 ounces now!  So not only did you regain the weight you lost but surpassed it in spades.  Sheesh, if you keep growing like this you'll dwarf me soon!

 One thing I noticed felt different for me this time around was that I really enjoyed you being tiny.  With Will I would always wonder when you would reach your milestones and look forward to a time when you could sit up and talk and walk etc.  With you I want time to stop and for you to stay just as you are.  I suppose it's because I know it's my last time to have a little one like this.  My last chance to hold a tiny babe.
Don't grow too fast little Charles.  Let Mommy enjoy you just as you are!

 All eyes on Daddy:

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