Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back in our room

 Once back in the room, Daddy brought you in right away and we had a little snuggle.  It was the first time I could really look at you and see your little face and start to feel that bonding happen.  Daddy said that you had been making an "O" with  your mouth so we figured you were probably hungry!
We tried a little feed and were successful.

 Such a proud papa!  Daddy has said that he felt so much more relaxed this time around and I could definitely sense that as well.  This time was so joyful for us because we were less caught up in new parenting concerns and worry.  When we met you and during our stay in the hospital we were able to just focus on learning about you and enjoying you.  Every day we would say "What do we know about Charlie?"
And list the things like "Charlie has his days and night reversed" and "Charlie cries like he's saying LAAAA, LAAAA."  Hehe.

 I thought that at first your skin was darker than Will's.  The pediatrician said that's normal because babies have so much more hemoglobin than adults, and probably because you were early your skin was still a little thin too.  You had less hair than Will and you definitely cried less.  That's not to say that you didn't cry while we were there, it's just that you cried when you were hungry and after you were fed you slept again.
You seem to have a very mild temperment so far.
Mommy was tired but so thrilled to finally have you in my arms!
We were just smitten with you!
Welcome to the world Charlie!  As long as Mommy and Daddy are around you will have a very good life, we promise :)

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