Thursday, July 19, 2012

Progress at the lake

 Well, it's taking longer and costing more than we anticipated but aren't those the true hallmarks of any renovation?
We will be able to get in there in the end and with any luck we'll still have some of this summer left to enjoy.  Next summer we even hope to have a boat.
 Rick has come to graciously offer his handyman services and we greatly appreciate it!  In return we will dedicate the downstairs bedroom being built for he and my mom when they visit.  How rewarding!
We just hope that he is able to enjoy the place for as long as he's worked on it.

 The third bedroom painted a light gray.

 So far my favourite room in the cottage.  The upstairs bath looks like it will be a showstopper.

 The vinyl flooring going into the living area: 

 Kitchen cabinet uppers are in:

Things are happening but there are still a lot of electrical and plumbing issues that need addressing before it is liveable.  We're getting there, and I'm even starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

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