Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Moving Day!

 You were over the moon about having the big truck pull up. When Daddy pulled into the driveway you yelled "Hooray!!  The truck is here!"
You wasted no time climbing up into the driver's cab and switching and pressing all the buttons you could find.  
The moving crew:

 Phew!  Moving with a baby strapped to your chest is hard work!

 Love this chair.  It IS comfy!  And loving that I am starting to see the end result.  Hurry up and be done already!

On the dock

 While Mommy and Daddy and Papa are slaving away in the cottage, and Grandma get some time out at the dock.  You seem to love being by the water.  Wait until you see what's in store for you when we have a boat next summer! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Progress at the lake

 Well, it's taking longer and costing more than we anticipated but aren't those the true hallmarks of any renovation?
We will be able to get in there in the end and with any luck we'll still have some of this summer left to enjoy.  Next summer we even hope to have a boat.
 Rick has come to graciously offer his handyman services and we greatly appreciate it!  In return we will dedicate the downstairs bedroom being built for he and my mom when they visit.  How rewarding!
We just hope that he is able to enjoy the place for as long as he's worked on it.

 The third bedroom painted a light gray.

 So far my favourite room in the cottage.  The upstairs bath looks like it will be a showstopper.

 The vinyl flooring going into the living area: 

 Kitchen cabinet uppers are in:

Things are happening but there are still a lot of electrical and plumbing issues that need addressing before it is liveable.  We're getting there, and I'm even starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Emma's Paint Party!

 I can't believe Emma is four!
To celebrate Kimi planned a party at 4 Cats Art Studio in Lantville and boy was it fun!

 The kids all worked on a large canvas which ended up looking a lot like a Jackson Pollock and it was gorgeous!  I really hope Kimi puts it up somewhere in their new home which is bound to have lots of bare walls!

 The painting crew:

 Mommy arriving to show Charlie off :)

Will is the welcome wagon as always.  Happy Birthday Emma!

Pool party!

 Now that summer is finally here it's time to have friends over to enjoy the pool!  So the Sansalones and the Bellamys came over to help us welcome in the summer weather!

 Belly flop!  No one can ever believe their eyes when they see you fling yourself into the pool-and off the diving board no less!

"Watering" the plants with Emma and Claire.

Pool time with Daddy

Summer arrived at the end of June this year and the change was overnight.  Papa brought it with him on the day he arrived for his three week visit from Toronto.  We saw the good weather coming and started warming up the pool and on the first hot day we were ready!  Thank goodness the warm weather finally arrived, this June had been the coldest June in Nanaimo for 32 years!
So while you have been working on learning to swim, Daddy has been working on perfecting his cannonball!

Charlie practices tummy time

As I've mentioned, Charlie is a huge sleeper.  This is something we haven't been accustomed to...
We 're all for it, don't get me wrong.  But it seems like you actually sleep on the job as well.  How are we ever going to build up your neck strength when you fall asleep in the middle of exercising?!

Charlie is 2 weeks old!

 At two weeks old you are very healthy and thriving.  We took you to the doctor this day for your two week check and you weigh 8 pounds, 2 ounces now!  So not only did you regain the weight you lost but surpassed it in spades.  Sheesh, if you keep growing like this you'll dwarf me soon!

 One thing I noticed felt different for me this time around was that I really enjoyed you being tiny.  With Will I would always wonder when you would reach your milestones and look forward to a time when you could sit up and talk and walk etc.  With you I want time to stop and for you to stay just as you are.  I suppose it's because I know it's my last time to have a little one like this.  My last chance to hold a tiny babe.
Don't grow too fast little Charles.  Let Mommy enjoy you just as you are!

 All eyes on Daddy:

Dinosaurs galore

 On Daddy's last day of paternity leave we went down to Victoria to the Royal BC Museum to see their temporary dinosaur exhibit.  You wore your dino hat that was part of your halloween outfit last year and charmed the masses.
How could that sweet face be scary??

 Unfortunately you weren't as into the exhibit as I thought you would be.  You were initally intrigued but I just think you lack the attention span needed to take something like that in yet.  We'll try again in the future :)

 Afterwards there was a concert and bike competition in the harbour and we walked around and found a food cart that sold Langosh- a Hungarian dish of deep fried bread, sweet or savoury!  Yummy!

At the mechanic

Lately you have been asking to go to see cars being worked on at the mechanic shop.  Grandma and I took you to Canadian Tire to peak in on what goes on in the shop there.  There wasn't too much activity at the time of day we went (after school) but you got to see the way they work on the underside of the cars and lifts that raise them and hear the sounds the tools make.  You are thrilled with anything to do with cars.
We will have to take you back again or to another shop to watch tires being changed or something of the sort.
We want to nurture this interest of yours!

Washing the Sadie car

 Every so often you and Daddy go outside and wash the cars.  That has now evolved into you washing your own cars.  It's too cute.
 You are actually very thorough and I love that you take pride in your cars.  You say that you want to make them "shiny like Daddy's."  Love it.

Qualicum Show N Shine

 Grandma took you to Qualicum to see the annual Show n Shine car show.  There are few things in this world that you love more than cars so we thought it would be a hit.

 There were all sorts of classic cars there and some owners were even so nice as to let you sit behind the wheel!

 You routinely ask me when you're going to be old enough to drive your own car.  I always say 16 and you ask if you are 16 yet?  It's going to be a long 13 years...
Sometimes I say that you can't drive because you don't have your driver's licence yet.  And you say yes you do!  When I ask to see it you say "It's in my tummy."

Double Father's Day!

 Father's Day came when Charlie was just a week old.  Daddy got to have his first Double Father's Day!
Will likes to "help" opening presents.  I swear if we left you alone in a room with a gift it would be opened by the time we got back.  Christmas should be interesting this year....

My three boys: