Friday, January 19, 2018

When Great-Grandpa passed

In November Great -Grandpa was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia.  At first, this was not all that surprising.  Both my Grandma and Grandpa get pneumonia regularly and they take antibiotics and recover and go home just as before.
This time was different.  His kidneys started failing and the Dr was hesitant to increase his dose of meds when the pneumonia wasn't responding because she thought his kidneys couldn't handle it.
Very quickly his organs started shutting down and he was gone.

We were away in Palm Springs when I got the call.  We had just checked in to our hotel and I had a voice mail to call my mom.  I knew it had to be important but I still never expected to hear this news.

You boys took it pretty hard too, like me.  We all shed tears and told stories about Great-Grandpa.  We shared all of our favourite memories of him.

My favourite was the time he took me to the park in the winter when I was about Charlie's age.  I said "Push me." and Grandpa said "Say please."  I said "Push me." and he said "Say please."
This went on for a very long time and finally I said "Fine.  I'm going to say it now.  Please."
And he pushed me.  Who knew stubbornness ran in our family?

Grandma sent us laminated cards with a photo and his obituary.  You both keep them by your beds.  Sometimes when I tuck Charlie in at night and go to close the door behind me I hear you say "Goodnight Great-Grandpa."

Grandpa was cremated and his ashes will be brought to the West Coast to be scattered by us later this year.  Love you so much Great-Grandpa, we will always remember you.

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