Sunday, January 28, 2018

Disaster in Charleston

 Mom and Dad decided to take a little getaway and go to Charleston, South Carolina.  We figured, it will be warm (in the 70s) and we could explore all of the historical sites the city has to offer.
When we arrived at Pearson it was absolute chaos!

 When we first arrived we couldn't believe how cold it was!  We went on a guided city tour and actually had to leave early because we were so cold!
Down by the water the wind was whipping and we just weren't enjoying ourselves so we ducked out early.  We got some good info and and a feel for the city.

 Definitely the highlight of the trip was this evening cooking class with Chef Bob Wagonner.  He was such a character and really the whole appeal.  The kitchen and set table were fabulous.  We made scallops, steak and a pear tart.  It was lovely and a good group.

 On New Year's Eve we went to a highly acclaimed restaurant called Magnolia.  I had fried green tomatoes and their signature fried chicken.  
And then the snow hit....
Charleston was hit with an ice storm the likes of which they have never seen before.  The entire downtown closed down since the bridges were shit down due to the ice.  Not one restaurant or shop opened for days.  We were stuck in our hotel room and when we finally wandered down for food the hotel restaurant had nine items on offer with three staff working.
The local airport closed down and West Jet offered us flights a week out which was totally unacceptable since that would mean delaying our flights out of TO with the kids, such a domino effect.  Dad and I decided to bite the bullet and rent a car, drive through the ice storm to Atlanta (which took all day) since that airport was still functioning.  Leave it to us to book a holiday during the worst winter weather the eastern seaboard has seen in decades!

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