Friday, August 11, 2017


 Happy Birthday Dad!  We got to take our trip to Ucluelet when Grandma and Papa came to stay.
It was so picturesque and we had some fun meals out.

 Funny story: my high school friend Brain Astl had posted a story about his dad making a set of stairs in a Toronto park for $550 when the city had estimated $60,000.  Brain posted the local story on FB for all friends to see but by the weekend it had made the national news!  I posted this photo for him taken from the Victoria Times and he was stoked to see it.  Unfortunately the city made him take the stairs down but sharpened their pencils on the estimate...

 The best Benny ever:

 Hiking the Pacific Trail:

 We saw so many of our Provincial birds the Stellar's Jay!

 The view from our balcony, WHAT!

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