Thursday, August 10, 2017

Some summer fun

Will had his annual checkup with me this year and Dad took Charlie.  Other than a slight concern about the size of Charlie's tonsils you guys check out health-wise!  We are going to keep an eye on those honkin' tonsils Char.

Mom got a shipment of Botox the other day and it came complete with some dry ice.  Made for a fun impromptu science experiment!

 A visit with baby Arthur!

We had a good harvest of strawberries this year!  Still going strong from last summer!  They are nowhere near as large as store bought but boy are they sweet!

 Such a blast from the past!  I LOVED this thing!

 This is the most popular guy in our neighbourhood, hands down!
Every Wednesday he is anticipated with much excitement until we hear the bells coming down the street.  Never fails!
The kids all run outside with fistfuls of change in their hands from their piggy banks.  So cute.

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