Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Bike to school week, Barb's Birthday and Baseball

 We really do partake in Bike to School Week each year.  Last year Will and I actually rode our bikes from home to the school and Will coached me up the hill outside Dover!  This year we had crap weather unfortunately but we still went along the path each day and also from Ware Road one day in Lantzville.  We met up with some friends and I sent you on your way!

 Barb was here to celebrate her birthday with us this year.  We had a lovely dinner at Asteras, fun!

 So Aaron ordered the birthday photos this year and these monstrous enlargements are what we received....
Apparently Dad is super stoked for this type of photography.

 The Giants made it to the final four but didn't medal.  We got a ribbon, no biggy!  Way to go Giants!

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