Friday, August 11, 2017

Summer Fun

 Charlie, you are still asking to go to BMX (Will not so much).  We took you one night on a Wednesday race night and we were kind of nervous to enter you since it had been so long.  You blew away the competition.  I'm talking, as you were crossing the finish line I couldn't even see #2 rounding the last corner yet.  Come on!  You are a natural.

When we arrived at the cottage this year we discovered a nest full of mess-making, chirping barn swallows in a next directly above our boat.  Ugh!  
We didn't want to disturb the birds so we rigged up a big blue tarp underneath the nest to catch the droppings but boy were the hyper attentive parents agitated.
They were really good parents actually.  Each week we were shocked at how the babies had progressed until one day we saw them adjacent to the nest and in the rafters and then eventually a bunch of them circling the boat house until they were all gone once and for all.

 My favourite shot of the summer, take on Canada's 150th Birthday:)

 Scrapping as usual:

 Ok, THIS may be my favourite shot of the summer:

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