Friday, August 11, 2017

Camp Qwanoes!

 This was the first year you were eligible to go to Camp Qwanoes and we decided to send you two together.  You were a little bit nervous (and so were we), but I knew you would do great on your own.

 So great in fact that on the Wednesday they encourage kids to call home there was definitely no call from a Mr Will Henry Cooper...
The Aquapark was pretty rad.  You did your swim test right away and were deemed safe to go without a PFD (your dream).

 The most exciting thing for you no doubt.

 Such an emotional moment for us:

 With your camp counselor Micah:
Until next year everyone! You had the best time ever.  We watched your weeks' video together a few times afterwards and you were hit with nostalgia each time.  I think it's safe to say you'll be back :)

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